Patient And Family Rights And Responsibilities


All patients have the right to:

  • Receive comprehensive medical care aimed at reaching a proper medical diagnosis and treatment for your illness.
  • Give written general consent in any treatment decision & an informed consent for any procedure
  • Refuse treatment and be informed of the consequences thereof and documented on the refusal of treatment form.
  • Know the name and professional status of your care providers
  • Refuse examination or follow up treatment by any person not directly responsible for your care.
  • Receive a satisfactory explanation and comprehensive information in a simple understandable manner
  • Participate in care decision making, obtain a second opinion, refuse treatment or medications.
  • Receive appropriate impartial care and respect of your privacy, your personal values and beliefs from all staff
  • Know what rules and regulations apply to your own conduct and care
  • Have an interpreter if language is a barrier to understand details of your care
  • Be involved in your discharge plan and receive information about the therapeutic plan and follow-up care.
  • Obtain a copy of the clinical summary, medical test results and bill upon request.
  • Request religious support at own discretion as long as it does not interfere with other patients or regular clinic functioning.
  • Express concerns and suggestions and receive feedback
  • Receive appropriate assessment and management of pain.

All patients have the right to:

  • Bring your identification documents & health insurance card (when applicable)
  • Follow rules and regulations of Prime Medical Center and observe safety regulations. including, but not limited to non-smoking.
  • Respect the priority given to emergency cases.
  • Avoid interference with the treatment of other patients.
  • Provide complete and accurate information about present complaints, past medical history as well as known drug allergies.
  • Follow the treating doctor’s instructions.
  • Take responsibility for refusing or not following the treatment plan after being informed about the potential consequences of this decision
  • Verbalize your understanding of instructions or planned course of action for your treatment given by clinical staff
  • Provide accurate information concerning your method of payment, and ability to pay any extra charges not covered by your medical insurance.
  • To keep appointments on time and inform our call center in case of cancellation.
  • Restrict from taking photographs or videos inside procedure / treatment rooms.
  • Avoid bringing valuable personal belongings to the medical center

For safety and security considerations of patients, staff & Medical Center property, all public area are monitored by CCTV.

Prime Medical Center will not be held responsible for loss of/damage to your property.


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