Prevent Vision Loss

Prevent Vision Loss

Fluorescein Angiography - (FA) is a diagnostic procedure that uses a special camera to track blood flow in the retina.

Fluorescein dye is injected into a vein in the arm or hand. During the dye's passage through your eye's blood vessels, photographs are taken to record blood flow to the retina. In addition to abnormal blood vessels, the images can reveal damage to the retinal lining.

The images will be captured in black and white. During imaging, the dye in blood vessels fluoresces and appears as light gray or white. Hypo fluorescence (darkness) or hyper fluorescence (brightness) is the key to interpreting abnormal angiograms.

Angiograms using fluorescein often provide information on a disease's course and how the treatment is progressing. It is beneficial in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration.

What will you experience?

  • It will take 6 – 8 minutes to complete the procedure. 1 hour is the average length of stay in our department.
  • Before the test, a nurse will review your medical history. History regarding any Kidney or cardiac issues is particularly important.
  • During the procedure, some individuals may experience slight nausea. A few seconds later, the feeling disappears.
  • Some localized burning and yellow staining of the skin may occur if the dye leaks out of a fragile vein during the injection.
  • There are very few allergic reactions to the dye. There is a possibility that they will cause a rash and itching on the skin. As a result of this reaction, antihistamines are prescribed. It is unusual for allergic reactions to be severe.
  • Dye is excreted through urine, hence you will have greenish color urine for 2 days following the procedure.
  • Modern fundus cameras can record photographs through normal pupils, and pupillary dilatation is not required. 


  1. Take your medications as you normally would.
  2. Avoid heavy meals before the procedure. 


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