Prime Hospital has successfully performed Laparoscopic Nephrectomy surgery. The patient, a 46-year old male, was diagnosed with a renal tumor that measured approximately five to six centimeters in dimension. Due to the sensitivity of the condition, attending physicians recommended immediate surgery to remove the tumor from the patient.

Dr. Mohamed El Khouly, Specialist Urologist & Andrologist the surgeon who led the team of urologists and anesthesiologists, explained that the recommended procedure aims to provide patients with a safe and effective way to remove a diseased or cancerous kidney. He further explained that Laparoscopic Nephrectomy surgery is a minimally invasive technique that results in less discomfort with results equivalent to the larger incision required with traditional open surgery.

The complicated and highly specialized procedure took almost five hours to complete yet represented Prime Hospital's high quality medical and surgical services. After the surgery, the patient was moved to his room in the same day and was recommended for discharge after three days, where he is now fully recovered

“Thank God that we were able to perform our first Laparoscopic Nephrectomy procedure on this patient-successfully removing the renal tumor and administering the required treatment for his quick recovery. Special thanks go out to the assisting OT Team, whose enthusiasm and professional attitude served as a major factor to the success of the surgery. Right now, the patient has been discharged and is now headed to recovery. The success of the first-time surgery reflects Prime Hospital's commitment to provide world class medical services, which will always go hand in hand with our increasing numbers,” concluded Dr. Mohamed

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